Isa 46: 9-10: “Remember the former things of old: for I am Y'WHW, and there is no One else; I am Elohim, and there is no One like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:”
Where does he declare "the end from the beginning"?
Gen 1:1; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Hebrew: Bereshit bara Elohim et ha'shamayim ve’et ha’arets.
We will be looking at the creation as the earliest prophecy of the plan of Y'HWH.
Remember this puzzling scripture:
2Pet 3:8: “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with Elohim as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
Thus for every day of creation there is a thousand years on earth!
I will take each day and discuss prophecy and other interesting facts with you. Refer back to the table throughout the lesson.
1. Day one / Yom Rishon
The first word in Gen 1:1 is Bereshit. If you break it down it physically means:
Be (In) + Reshit (shudder/quake).
The original Hebrew text only reads “Reshit…” - Was the creation formed by a shudder/quake? What was this quake and what could have caused it? I do not have a definite answer, but here are some interesting things to think about:
• We have 4 dimensions on earth, but the scientists believe there is up to 30 dimensions in space. We know that Elohim dwells in all of them. Could it have been that eternity/Elohim had to break into our time/space and this might have caused a shudder/quake? This almost sounds like the big bang theory!
• Gen1:2; “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Ruach Ha Kodesh moved upon the face of the waters.”
Maybe the quake in Gen1:1 was responsible for the chaos in Gen 1:2?
• Some evolutionists believe a meteor killed the dinosaurs. You read in Isa 14:12-23 about how Lucifer and a third of the angels were cast out of the heavens onto the earth. This must have been a big event and a big crash. When did this happen? We do not know but we already see Satan in the Garden of Eden in Genesis. Is it possible that the casting down of Satan had the same effect as a meteor and maybe destroyed a previous creation consisting of dinosaurs?
These are just interesting opinions, but we can just keep wondering until one day the Creators themselves will tell us the whole story!
On the first day Elohim created or separated Light from Darkness. Could this be the light of the Messiah? Elohim only created the sun on the fourth day? Or was the separation from Light and Dark when Satan and his angels fell to earth?
Adam was told that if he would be disobedient and eat of the fruit that he would die in that day? Interesting that Adam only lived 930 years, and died on the first day/first thousand years. Adam didn’t see the second millenium.
The number 1 in the Scriptures stand for United/Echad - It refers to the Father and the Son as being United and Set-Apart.
(see teaching about numbers in Scripture)
2. Day two / Yom Shini
The second word in Gen 1:1 is Bara. This word in Hebrew means “to act on something that already existed in order to produce a more perfect and usable form” It does not mean to create something out of nothing. Thus the earth existed before the creation.
On the second day Elohim separated the waters, to create heaven and the waters beneath. In the second millennium we have the great flood of water, and it covered the surface of the earth. When the waters started to draw back into the seas and into the ground, the earth’s form was re-created (Bara). Imagine massive, strong water currents creating the Grand Canyon! This leads to the third day!...
The number two stands for balance between man and Elohim. During the second millennium Elohim looked at the earth and saw sin! He had to bring balance again, so He saved a righteous man and destroyed the rest of the earth!
3. Third day / Yom Sh’lishi
On the third day Elohim formed the earth and the seas…and the earth and the seas, as we know it, was only formed after the time of Noah (in the third millennium)! Remember, the surface of the earth was reshaped by the substantial amounts of water. The powerful currents formed valleys and canyons. The currents could have been so strong that the continents could have shifted!
Note the third word in Gen1:1 is Elohim – it is the plural form of the Hebrew word Èl, which means God. It is telling us the Father and the Son created together!
After the earth and the waters were separated plants, seed, fruit and trees came forth from the ground. All the different species as we know them today were formed during the third millennium.
The number three stands for covenant and the fathers of our faith! In the third millennium we meet Abram! A Covenant is also established with Abram and he becomes Abraham - he will be fruitful and his seeds will be more than the sand of the sea! This is the covenant Elohim made with our forefathers. Because of this covenant, the Messiah was sent! (It was a renewed covenant-more about this later.)
4. Fourth day / Yom Revi’i
On the fourth day Elohim created the sun, moon and stars. In Genesis we are told to use these to tell time/appointed times(feasts).
Now that the plants were created on the 3rd dat, they need seasons to have rain and to bear fruit! The sun puts the seasons in place.
In Daniel we also learn that Kings and rulers are used to tell the time (The statue). The King of Kings is revealed on the fourth day! The number four stands for the Messiah!
The fourth word in Gen 1:1 is et (ayth) = alef tav. The Alef Tav is the Messiah (Rev 1). The Messiah’s first coming was in the fourth millennium! After His first coming He will ascend to His Father in the heavens…that brings us to the fifth day.
(see Article on Alef Tav)
5. Fifth day / Yom Chamis’i
Our Messiah was born in the fourth millennium, and ascend to His Father in the Heavens. The fifth word, ha’shamayim, means heavens. Yehshua is in the heavens in the fifth millennium to act as our High Priest before the most High El!
On the fifth day Elohim created all the birds and the sea creatures!
The number five stands for obedience and faith. After receiving the Messiah we become new creatures - learning to have faith and to be obedient.
6. Sixth day / Yom Shishi
On the sixth day Elohim created all the beasts of the earth. At the end of the sixth millennium, the Beast who is spoken of in Revelations will be revealed to mankind.
Elohim also created man, Adam and Eve. Eve (the bride) was taken out of Adam (means mankind in Hebrew) on the sixth day. Most of the Bride of Yehshua will come out of the people/mankind who lived in the sixth Millennium. This is the remnant spoken of in Revelation. The bride needs to believe in Yehshua and keep the commandments – Rev 14:12
On the sixth day of creation, Adam and Eve were told to multiply and fill the earth. Today the world population is over 6 billion people! There are currently more people alive in the world than ever existed, from the creation up to now! In other words, in the history of the world 12 billion people lived, and half is alive right now!
The sixth word in Gen 1:1 is ve’et = and alef tav. At the end of the sixth millennium Yehshua ha Mashiach will descend to earth again – His second coming! He will appear again, this time to come as Ben David, the Son of David – our King!! He will come to reign on earth (the seventh word)!...
The number six stands for mankind!
7. Seventh day / Shabbat
The seventh word in Gen 1:1 is ha’arets = earth.
Yehshua will be on earth during the seventh millennium! –reigning from Yerushalayim! We read in Revelation about the 1000 years of peace, when Satan is bound. This is the millennium of rest and peace! The weekly Shabbat is a reflection of this millennium.
The Catholic Church/Constantine, skips the first commandment, starts at verse two and changed the Sabbath from the Saturday to Sunday. The Protestants did not correct this, they left the word Sabbath and said Sabbath can be any day.
By changing 1 commandment you render all 10 void. In fact, Yehshua said,
“If any man teaches another to break the least of the commandments, he shall be least in the kingdom of heaven.”
Col2:16-17, “ Let no one therefore judge you in eating or drinking, or in respect of a festival or a new moon or Shabbats – which are a shadow of things to come - but the body of the Messiah”
What a very important Scripture! So many people twist this verse to absurd meanings! IT says let no one judge you if you keep the festivals or Sabbath! For it is a prophecy that still has to be fulfilled (shadow of things to come)! The only one who can judge you in this matter is the body of Messiah/fellow believers!
Who is casting the shadow of Shabbat? Yehshua said, “I am Elohim of the Shabbat”
When you keep Shabbat, you also recognize Him as your Creator and provider. The Shabbat was created before any laws! In Gen1:1!
"The Shabbat was created for man, not man for the Shabbat" - WHat a gift!
The number 7 stands for the plan of YHWH! There are 7000 years in His plan!
Wow, can you believe you can get all this from one verse! YHWH's word is truly alive and powerful.
The coming of the Messiah is at hand!!!!
Mark 13:28-37, “ Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock crowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.”
We are command in these verses to Watch!! We will know when the season of His coming is near!!! But we will not know the exact day or hour!!! (This comes from a Hebrew proverb concerning the feast of Trumpets.)
The season is here my friends. There are many prophecies concerning the end times. Including this one in Gen1:1. Prepare yourselves.
The 7 feasts of YHWH also show us the redemption plan of YHWH. The last 3 still need to be fulfilled. We can identify the season!! So do not be caught sleeping!