Saturday, 12 June 2010

Understanding Grace and obedience

I want to discuss just a few verses that will help you understand the why we need to be obedient AFTER salvation:

1. Rom 5:20 – Lets look at the verse in context with the theme of discussion -
In verse 13: “…for until the Torah, sin was in the world, but sin is not reckoned when there is no Torah”
In this chapter we are not dealing with the Torah as a whole, but more with the laws and judgments. Without rules/laws sin cannot be defined, because sin is lawlessness. In verse 20 we read that the Torah came in “beside” – this refers to the position on the covenant ark. The Ten Commandments was placed inside the Ark (this includes Sabbath) and the Rest of the laws was written on a scroll and placed beside the Ark.
“Sin increased…and favour increased even more”…To the point were no one had to pay his own penalty which = death. And it was paid by the Messiah.

In verse 19 we read: “so also through the obedience of the One many shall be made righteous.” Through His obedience and Grace, we are declared righteous.
In Chapter 6:1 “What, then, shall we say? Shall we continue in sin, to let favour increase? Let it not be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?”
Thus having died to sin, out of love we must now live unto righteousness.
We must purge sin from our lives – how does one do that? How does one identify sin? Through Torah. (verse 13)
Because now by favour and grace, we are able to live without sin, through your spirit you lead your flesh unto obedience – if we live without sin – you are keeping Torah automatically. That is why Sha'ul said, if I sin, it is my flesh that sins.

But before Messiah one was not able to, because you can not be declared right by the Torah, for all flesh are sinful…but when you accept the Messiah, you are born of Spirit.
If you read Chapter 6:14 – 15 – “not under the law” refers to the curse//judgment of the Torah, which is death. Your judgment has been paid, so you are no longer under the law.
Remember, keeping Torah does not give/ take away from your salvation. That is the work of redemption done by Messiah alone.

2. Rom 10:4 – “For Messiah is the goal of the “Torah unto righteousness” to everyone who believes.”
Just like I told you previously, the correct translation here is goal and not end.
Remember the definition of Torah, which it is to show a way of life/ point in a direction? The Torah points in a direction, its goal = Messiah. This verse refers to the Torah as a whole, the first 5 books. Remember Yeh’shua said Himself “If you did not believe Mosheh, you will not believe Me, for he wrote about ME.”
And the Apostles say that they tried to persuade the Jews that Yeh’shua was the Messiah from the Torah and the Prophets.

3. 2 Cor 3:7-8;
“Engraved in Stone” clearly indicate the 10 Commandments. If it was given in so much esteem, through the flesh, how much more through the Spirit! Remember you have to look and understand the work of redemption according to a covenant. There was a covenant made with a people. If they broke the covenant = death. They were not able to keep this covenant through their flesh, because of sin and death, which came through the first Adam. Someone had to pay for their sin/death and Someone had to give them a renewed way to keep the covenant. The covenant could not be broken, but it could be renewed. So YHWH gave His only Son to pay for this sin and death, and He gave His Spirit for the people to help them to keep the covenant. He also gave them a will, and wrote it in their heart – which was not done previously.
The covenant was first written on stone (also metaphorically for the hearts of Yisrael) but now it is written on our hearts (Heb 8:10/ Yirm 31:33). And we are able to keep the covenant BECAUSE of His GRACE.
If you read further to verse 17-18 – It shows that YHWH is the Spirit – and if we look in the mirror, we are transformed through the Spirit as He makes the Torah living in us as well.

4. Gal 3:11-13 – Verse 12 specifically refers to the Laws. Remember the book of Galatians was written to the people to warn them about false teachers who taught that heathens could only get saved by keeping the Jewish laws, including the Talmud. Paul write to them to reprove them and showing that salvation can only come through believe in the Messiah! Amen! There is a certain sequence, if you change it, it does not work! FIRST salvation through belief then OBEDIENCE out of love. Not Obedience out of Legalism and then salvation out of you own works! This is what Paul was trying to teach them, and I to you. Verse 12 only states that the law has to do with obedience, not belief. And one cannot be saved by obedience.

Besides the laws and the judgments there are Appointments we have with YHWH, and if you do not observe and understand these, there is so much you miss out on! They reflect the plan He have for us.
It is like saying you love your girlfriend, but you never show up on a date.

Even the laws are so amazing when you start looking at what they are trying to tell you about His character. And when you apply this to yourself, you start nursing His character in yourself.

5. Gal 3: 23-25 – verse 21-22 is very important here – because verse 23-25 explains more about the previous two verses. What verse 21-22 says is that IF there was a law that could give salvation, it would be the Torah. But because of Sin no one could keep the Torah. That is why we could only be trained until we have believe, because then we would be able TO DO WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TRAINED.

6. Col 2:14 “having blotted out the certificate of debt against us – by the dogmas – which stood against us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the stake” – Wow, is it not amazing! What was nailed to the cross was not the Torah! Never! But the decree of death that there was against each one of us. He paid our penalty for breaking the Covenant. He put us in right standing with the covenant - and through Him and the Spirit we can now keep our covenant with YHWH.

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