Thursday, 29 May 2008

The Meaning of His Name

The Name (Ha Shem)

Lets first look at the third command. It tells us we shall not use the “Lords” Name in vain. In Hebrew the third Commandment can be better translated as:

“You shall not make His Name to naught”.

This means you shall not cause His name to mean nothing…unfortunately this happened to His Name a long time ago. It began, because the Hebrew rabbi’s teach, that the Name of YHWH is to Holy to speak. So they rather speak of Ha Shem (The Name). When they had to translate the name into Greek,with the first translation of the Torah, they thought it to be more appropriate to use the Greek word “God” in the translation than “The Name”.

Firstly, the word "God" is a general name revering to a deity or divinity. It's like calling me "Woman"...but it is not my name. There is a separate study concerning the origins of the word "god".
Nowhere in the Tanakh (Old Testament), in the original Hebrew, is “God” referred to in a singular form. It is always referring to Him in the plural such as Elohim (God) (pl) – El (God) is the singular and Adonai (Lord) (pl) – Adon (Lord) is the singular.

Why? Read the following Scriptures:
Gen 1:26, Heb 1:4-5, Ecc12:1, Gen 11:5-7, 1Cor15:24-28,Matt26:39 and Mark 13:32, John 1:1-3,v 14, John17:5,
We can see that The Father and the Son are two separate beings! But they are united/one in Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). In Genesis 1 (Hebrew) we see that Elohim created (plural)! They created together and John 1 confirms this for us. The Word also says, “Let Us create man in Our image”, and “Let Us go down to see what mankind is doing”

The Father and the Son has been together from the beginning. But they are separate entities. They are not one being as we have been told. The teaching of one being is a Gnostic teaching and not scriptural. If they were one being, then who raised the Messiah from the grave? How could Messiah then say : “Eli, Eli, why have You forsaken Me?” He cannot forsake himself!!

Even if you read in Revelation, when John has his vision, he sees El on the throne, and the Lamb on His right hand.

In Gen 18 where Abraham is visited by three men, it says one of them was Elohim. But the Messiah says in John1:18 that no one has seen the Father, except Him. So who was visiting Abraham? It was Yehshua, the Messiah! And later in the passage, when Sodom and Ammorah is destroyed, you read that “Elohim rained fire and brimstone from Elohim in the heaven”

So how does this work then and what was the Hebrew Name?

The ‘Family’ name of Elohim is Y'HWH - These are four Hebrew letters. In Modern Hebrew you do not get vowels. People disagree on the pronounciation.
You get Y'HWH the Father - Yehuweh (Yahweh) and Y'HWH the Son - Yehushua (Yashua).
In the Torah the Father commands us to obey His Messenger who is to come, and He then states: My Name will be in His Name/Him.

The name Jesus is a transliteration, NOT a translation from the Hebrew name Yehshua. Jesus comes from the Greek name Iesous. Jesus was the result of Hellenising Yehshua. The Messiah was Jewish and according to Torah, if He was Messiah, He had to have the Fathers Name. This was one of the most important critearia to identify the 'correct' Messiah.

Yeh'shua means = Yehu (the Father) + Hoshua (Salvation in Hebrew) = The Father gives salvation....through His Son Yeh'shua! Wow, isn't that special?
Isn’t that amazing, His name means the Father is Salvation!

The name YHWH consists out of 4 Hebrew letters - Yod Hey Vav Hey, and each letter has a meaning. This tells us more about what the Name means.

In Modern Hebrew:

The first letter is Yod – and the ancient symbol for this letter is hand.
The second letter is Hey – which means expect something to come forth/behold.
The third letter is Vav – the ancient letter for vav is Nail.
The fourth letter is again Hey – so we can expect two things to come forth.

In Gen 3 Elohim says “I will deliver My people by my own hand”.

Thus the Name YHWH means:

“Salvation and deliverance will come by the nailed hand of Elohim”

Wow! How Amazing!!

And in Ancient Hebrew the Name means: "I Am who I Am" - exactly how He revealed Himself to Mosheh!

Blessed be His Name, the Name above all Names!

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